Pagina de Marlhori 優しい女性 マジョリさんは 中島正弘(PANASONIC JAPAN)関与UR 賃貸と在日朝鮮人に毒で殺されたのです 不良物件朝鮮人の住む 高津団地 1−13−213号室を隠すUR津田沼住まいセンター 平山
Marlhori in Japan Life after Killed by korean 朝鮮人殺人天国 Korean Murder Paradise これらはこの獣をぶっ殺さない限り終わらない
Tutte le donne che ho incontrato su Internet erano truffatrici. Tutte alla fine hanno chiuso la relazione. Donne che hanno cambiato nome, hanno cambiato volto,
il loro cuore era solo, quindi hanno tagliato tutto. Penso di poter incontrare donne migliori. Maori, ho scoperto quanto fosse santa mia moglie.
7年以上前からクレームしてきても何の捜査もしないのです。結果 妻は毒殺されたのですが在日朝鮮人は何食ぬ顔で階下にいます。外出しますと、勝手に部屋に入って来ます。これが国土交通省の作った
To what extent should the state protect Koreans living in Japan? Wouldn't this be a violation of the constitution?
These beasts are not human, they are beasts. For seven years, they put poison in our food. They put poison in soy sauce and sauces, and even in our coffee and Yomeishu sake.
When I complained about this, the Chiba Prefectural Police tried to cover it up. They opened up the refrigerator and put poison in everything. As a result, my wife never came home.
This is a cover-up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the National Police Agency.
Even though I complained for more than seven years, they didn't investigate anything. As a result, my wife was poisoned to death,
but the Korean resident in Japan is downstairs as if nothing had happened. When I go out, he comes into my room without asking.
This is the reality of the rental apartments created by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
The Japanese police have the investigative skills of a kindergarten. They can't arrest one Yamamoto, the person who poisoned
within arm's length of the Chiba Prefectural Police's forensics department, and do nothing about it
재일조선인 조직에 큰 문제가 있습니다. 악행을 서슴지 않습니다. 아내를 독살하고도 모른 척하고 있습니다. 이것은 일본 정부 안에 재일동포를 집요하게 보호하는 조직이 있기 때문입니다.
이 불법 범죄자들은 한국 북한 조직이 어떻게 하지 않는 한 아내와 같은 다른 민족이 피해를 입게 됩니다. 이것은 일본의 정책이 잘못된 것이지만, 비밀리에
재일조선인 범죄자를 처리해야 합니다. 제발 부탁합니다.
この男も行方不明です。事故死若しくは重体であろうと思います。山本は一人でいる UR高津団地 1−13−213号ではわずかながら生活音がするのです。これを空き家と言うUR賃貸
NTT回線を触るのは山本です。上志津レジデンス門 101に今でも住んでいる マオリさんを毒殺されてから3ヶ月国内を転々としていたが階下の213号とレジデンス門にいると思われる
高津団地 13号棟に来る悪人たちは段々少なくなっているが相変わらず石油ストーブの熱気と石油の匂いや豚肉の焦げる匂いそして得体のわからない毒物の匂いが夕方から夜半にかけて強くなっている。
誰かとは山本です 213号室は誰もいない様な気配ですがそれ自体が大変危険な状態です。
Recent information from late September to early October 2024, the beautiful Vietnamese-speaking woman in 214 is gone,
either killed in an accident or in critical condition, and the cat man is also gone.
This man is also missing. I believe he was killed in an accident or is in critical condition.
Yamamoto is alone in UR Takatsu Danchi No. 1-13-213, where there are slight sounds of life. UR lease calling this an empty house.
Yamamoto is the one touching the NTT line. He still lives at 101 Kamishizu Residence Gate.
He's been moving around the country for three months since he poisoned Mrs. Maori, but we believe he's downstairs at 213 and at the Residence Gate.
One by one, the people involved have disappeared.
The number of bad guys coming to Takatsu Danchi No. 13 is gradually decreasing,
but the smell of heat from the oil stove, the smell of burning oil and pork, and the smell of unidentifiable poisons is still strong in the evening and at midnight.
Downstairs, noises are muffled and hard to hear, but there is a sense that someone has been coming in from time to time.
Someone is Yamamoto. Room 213 seems to be empty, but that in itself is a very dangerous situation.
Is Takashi Terada of TEPCO still browsing from various places, or is he a member of the Yamamoto group? Why should someone who is not a member of this group browse this site every day?
The Japanese state will end as it is unless it expels all Koreans living in Japan. A Japan that cannot say NO IS NO will be the end of Japan.
The Japanese government should know that former Korean residents of Japan,
who are now scattered all over the world due to Japan's poor administrative practices, are causing trouble to many countries.
My beloved wife, who came to Japan with hope, was destined to be stalked and poisoned by Koreans in Japan for 20 years.
This is due to the Japanese government's overprotective policy of Koreans in Japan. It was also the poison used by Koreans in Japan that caused my stroke.
Since I came back from Chile in May 2003, I have been stalked by a Korean resident of Japan. It's still happening now.
They covered up the murder of a Chilean woman, a brilliant woman who graduated from the University of Chile.
In the past, she was a Spanish teacher at Yokohama Suiryo International Girls' High School in Kanagawa Prefecture, and a Spanish teacher at the Japanese School in Chile.
The one who poisoned this kind foreign woman was a Korean resident of Japan, and the Chiba Prefectural Police covered it up.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is covering it up.Panasonic is involved in all of this. Panasonic is covering it up.
Panasonic Metropolitan Technical Services is covering it up. They are based in Yokohama City.
A story from around September 16-17, 2024 Report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, email dated September 22, 2024 cat man
The man who was feeding the cat, who had been there until a few days ago, has disappeared.
A few days ago, a loud noise was heard downstairs, I think it was around September 17th.
But on that day, he was stewing pork stew and poisonous substances as usual.
That day, I felt strange because of the poisonous substances and fell in the room, but
I probably used a muscle relaxant. The man who feeds the cats was unable to hold the pot and probably just flipped it over.
The smell of incense was terrible that day, and I thought the cat man was dead. Or in critical condition.
At the same time, he had accessed this site from an IP address in Fukuoka.
He has been stewing some pretty strong poisonous substances for the past 2-3 days.
My heart is not in good condition either. But he will hide it.
Why didn't they check inside room 213?
The police were investigating because the glass window had been broken when the thief entered the Sugaray warehouse on the 16th.
The head of Takatsu housing complex was there to investigate.
This organization has another branch, and a black van would come in the middle of the night when it was quiet and take away the body.
I've seen this many times. I don't know where they're taking it, but it's probably to a major nursing home. It could be a hospital.
This nation of Dark Japan must have secret medical facilities. The nation must secretly know that there are medical facilities for Koreans in Japan.
NTT East Japan said it was okay to remove the NTT lines, but the management department of UR Rental said they would not remove them. This is because Korean residents in Japan use the WIFI.
This is the headquarters of UR Rental, which is encouraging crime. They will not admit that his wife was poisoned to death because there are criminals there.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,
the National Police Agency, Chiba Prefecture, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism are covering up all of this.
I just want the Korean residents of UR Takatsu Housing Complex 1-13-213
to stop cutting off their phone lines.
I think they are involved, so I want them to ensure their livelihood.
I think the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the National Police Agency are doing this, so I want them to stop their cowardly tactics.
this counter started 6th Feb 2021
The image above is a link to view the criminals. Please click on the image.
This is a secret rental contract (sub-rental contract) made by UR Rental. It must be made by Shugaray, because I have seen police officers go to Shugaray's office many times after calling 110.
Do they take bribes? In any case, the Korean resident of No. 213 is in the Tsudanuma branch of UR Rental through secret deals. Whether they commit murder or operate a pig factory, criminals pay money.
This is probably something that Panasonic's Nakajima Masahiro, politicians, and the Cabinet Office know about. It's suspicious that they are keeping quiet. They are secretly producing pigs in many rooms, not just these 13 buildings.
In other words, Takatsu Danchi is a secret pork factory. I'm sure that Nakajima Masahiro and Panasonic are well aware of this. In other words, it's a pig factory run by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
By the way, it's very strange that all the police officers who got too involved are gone. Even if they are transferred, they are immediately transferred somewhere else. It must be some kind of illegal deal.
The Yachiyo Police Station passes by the Takatsu Danchi police box without asking. I wonder if the Takatsu Danchi police box is an exclave or something different from the Yachiyo Police Station.
start 5th Aug 2024
This site cannot be deleted because the server is in LA, USA. Even if the administrator has a problem, i.e. is poisoned,
the site will not be deleted and will remain as a record for more than 10 years. The stigma will not disappear.
日本国政府はマオリさんを毒殺して知らぬフリをしているのです 今でも24時間行われている
The Japanese government is poisoning Marlhori and pretending not to know Currently, there is no one there, and refueling is done by an automatic sequence device.
The company that uses it is the Core Housing Ogawa Tatsuya Group.
高津団地 1-13-213 号の空き家で有毒物を使い私を殺そうとしているグループが存在するにも関わらず いないと言う隠蔽組織千葉県警 いつ撤回する まだ分からない総務省、国家公安委員会、警察庁の隠蔽事件です
The Japanese government's cover-up group cannot say NO now, and public institutions such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,
the National Public Safety Commission, the Yachiyo Fire Department, the Yachiyo Police Department, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department cannot say NO.
千葉県のかなち広い地域、都内の下町、そしてGood Man Japan,アマゾン柏倉庫、市川塩浜の多くの倉庫、印西市の多くの倉庫、センコー倉庫、楽天倉庫、千葉市花見川地区
千葉県の場合は佐倉市、八千代市、習志野市そして成田市です。保健所が隠蔽しています。習志野保健所なども隠蔽している 大手の病院、大手の介護施設が納入先です
These products are called kakuni.
They are illegally manufactured by Koreans in Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Chiba Prefectural Police and many other organizations.
The raw material is rotten discarded pork.
The government has a law to designate these and incinerate them,
but the government collects them and uses Koreans in Japan as slaves to make semi-finished products. Of course it is illegal.
The government is doing this. They manufacture them in ordinary apartments and Amazon warehouses. They are expensive.
They cost about $1,000 for 10 kg. The government buys them and gives the money to Koreans in Japan.
The government's dark job is to deliver the products to major nursing facilities and major hospitals.
The poisoned meat is stewed under my room.
Of course my wife became poisoned and it was too late to do anything about it, and she was poisoned to death.
These were covered up by the government, Koreans in Japan and the police. Why doesn't the UN come out with these crimes?
It is a fact that these shadowy works have been secretly hidden by the government for over ten years.
Many Koreans have died from flipping pots, but as it is a shadowy organization, it does not come out to the public. We have notified NHK, but they have kept it a secret.
As you all know, NHK is called the Japan Broadcasting Corporation and is a hotbed of Koreans living in Japan.
Yamamoto Ogawa Tatsuya When we went out, the group would bring in a pot and cook food using gas. We could cook as much as we wanted using the electric stove, not just in Takatsu Danchi.
In the Ogawa apartment complex and the Yachiyo Taipei apartment complex, we could use as much utility money as we wanted. A gas bill of 7,000 yen is abnormal.
The electricity bill was 24,000 yen whether we used it or not, and this continued for seven years.
It was harassment by Korean residents in Japan who brought in pots from the neighborhood. It was a cover-up by the Yachiyo Police and Yachiyo Fire Department. They are an evil organization, and they opened up the refrigerator and put poison in it.
Yachiyo Police Station always said, ``Go to the hospital.'' There were no instructions on what to do when you went there. This has been going on for seven years.
Poison is also put in drinking water, etc. At the Kamishizu Residence Gate, they put poison in the tank of the apartment. In Takatsu housing complex, the daily routine was to clean the refrigerator, throw away drinking water, and even put soy sauce and sauce in it.
The Korean resident of that group is still in room 213, commonly known as the vacant house downstairs. He's there 24 hours a day. The internet is also turned off. If it was an empty house, something like that wouldn't happen.
My beloved wife was the one who died from the poison that came out of the vacant house every night. Even now, Korean residents come and go every day. Where does this heat come from? It's a cover-up by the Chiba Prefectural Police and the Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Who will punish the Korean residents who do such things? It's a country where crime is free. The police organization has not been functioning just now, it's been for over 10 years.
The plants on the balcony were my wife's precious plants, and they were sprayed with herbicide to kill them. Not only that, they poisoned her too. That group is still around with the cooperation of the Chiba Prefectural Police,
the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
These illegal activities are being carried out by major companies such as Amazon Japan, Kashiwa, Senko (warehousing), Rakuten, and Good Man Japan. The entire warehouses around Kashiwa, the warehouses around Inzai City, and the warehouses around Ichikawa Shiohama.
And Fujipan's poisoned bread production, the entire warehouse in Ichikawa Shiohama, the warehouses of Senko, and the entire Zozo Town in Makuhari. All of these companies, including Rakuten, are Korean residents of Japan. They are producing food ingredients that are poisoned.
The same is true for Takatsu Danchi, but these are the illegal pork production and illegal sales that the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare is hiding. These are made into stewed pork and poisoned semi-finished products using discarded rotten pork.
Their destinations are major hospitals, major nursing homes, and election offices. The number of these illegal jobs increases one week before the election. It is certain that the state is purchasing them. Why are they making poisoned food?
This is not something that has just started, it has been going on for over 10 years. The government has kept silent for over 10 years. And the Chiba Prefectural Police are also covering it up.
As a result, my beloved wife was poisoned to death. Who is to blame for this? And there is no food safety in this country, and the government is arbitrarily using many Korean slaves living in Japan to manufacture poisonous food. When will it end?
This country has no laws at all, and it is a country that persistently uses Koreans living in Japan, that is, many slaves, to carry out shady work. In the case of Chiba Prefecture, the Chiba Prefectural Police are covering it up, and the same thing is happening in Tokyo.
Koreans in Japan are slaves to Korean companies in Japan and the Japanese state, so I don't think it will be stopped easily.
I think that is because the state is protecting these criminals through its protective policies.
The Japanese government is relentlessly protecting a group of Korean residents in Japan that is a criminal organization and a murderous group.
There is a group trying to kill me using toxic substances in a vacant house at 1-13-213 Takatsu Danchi,
but the Chiba Prefectural Police are covering it up by saying they don't exist. It's still unclear when they will retract their claims.
This is a case of cover-up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the National Public Safety Commission, and the National Police Agency.
The government is aware of a group of Korean residents in Japan that uses discarded rotten pork,
which is permitted by the Japanese government, to make food, but is concealing the facts and not disclosing them.
The food is delivered to major hospitals and major nursing care facilities. This is a violation of the Food Sanitation Act..
The Japanese people are a race with several thousand years of history who immigrated from Europe. We are a completely different race from the Korean people.
We are also different from the Chinese. Please do not equate us with the degraded races. The time will surely come when we will fight back. Perhaps God will make it happen.
Koreans are a degraded race. We need a UN directive to regulate these races. They are a degraded race.
this part traduce by google
Since September 2024, the group that poisoned my wife has returned to Takatsu Danchi 1-13-213. Of course, I have the right to dispose of them. No matter what the police or the state say, I will dispose of them wherever they come.
This is a basic right of self-defense. I will not become a criminal, the person who poisoned me is a Korean resident of Japan. And they are trespassers and have entered my room many times. I will dispose of them. This is self-defense.
As a human being and a Japanese person, I have reached my limit of living in this pigsty. In room 213, they are using poison and charcoal briquettes 24 hours a day to rot and process discarded pork, but the police forensics are covering it up. I think prison is a better life, and if I can die, I want to die sooner.
The thief group is Korean resident of Japan. Among them is the man from the Yamamoto sisters. What will I do if I find them? The police will cover it up, but what will I do? I think I have the right. The Japanese police are ignoring me. He comes every day and every night, why don't they investigate anything?
I think prison would be a better life. I'm sick of this life with so many shackles. I'm on welfare, I have no money, I can't move, this is harassment from the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, UR rentals, and on top of that, harassment from Koreans in Japan. Is suicide the only way out? Is that woman named Morosaka at Yachiyo City Hall a demon? Incompetence
I just heard a phone call from room 213. It's the sound of a cell phone ringing. It's an empty house in the middle of the night where you can hear the sounds of daily life. Sometimes you can even hear the sounds of people having sex. When my wife was alive, I could hear the sounds of sex every night, but is it still an empty house?
The smell of stewed pork and poison rising from the empty house in the middle of the night is an infringement of normal life. This is the responsibility of Hirayama, the manager of the UR Tsudanuma Housing Center. It can't be dismissed without incident. The Chiba Prefectural Police's cover-up poisoned my wife. It's an infringement of the right to life.
UR Tsudanuma Branch UR Housing Center is on the phone at 047-474-1191, dial number 4 to say "Hirayama" or "Iramina is in charge of electricity but is hiding it." UR Rental is an organization within the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
This site is on a server in LA, USA, so it cannot be deleted. Even if the administrator has a problem, i.e. is poisoned, the site will not be deleted and will remain as a record for over 10 years, and the stigma will not disappear.
The groups and major companies that illegally manufacture food from these rotten pork are ZOZO Town companies and warehouse companies, including Senco,
Rakuten, Good Man Japan, and Amazon Japan Kashiwa Warehouse, and these warehouses are concentrated in Inzai City.
The illegal waste pork activities are taking place in many warehouses in Ichikawa Shiohama, Chiba Prefecture, and in the Fujipan factory, as well as inside pharmaceutical factories and food factories that use waste rotten pork. These are illegal.
Companies that cannot process food. We have confirmed that they are supplying these illegal foods to major nursing homes and major hospitals.
In terms of areas, they are located around the Amazon warehouses in Inzai City and Kashiwa City, around the Rakuten warehouses,
the Inage district, Hanamigawa district, Togane district, around Chiba City, around Sakura City, around Yachiyotai Kita, and many more areas.
The reason ZOZO went bankrupt is that they manufactured waste pork in their warehouses, which caused the products to grow mold and become unsellable, leading to returns and bankruptcy. Maori looked into these.
The companies that are helping with this work are a Korean-Japanese dispatch company, Hot Staff, Three Piece (Kinshicho) Hasegawa, and Personal Efficiency's Kume-san, who are involved in discarded pork. Funabashi, Kashiwa, and others are actually involved in pork production behind the scenes.
There is a bug on Google's translation site.this is harrasment of Google may be Panasonic payed but other page can see please see
other page more detail
誰が毒殺した、そして千葉県警 鑑識が隠蔽した猛毒を使う在日朝鮮人の犯罪 27th May 2024 Yachiyo City Chiba Japan
There is a lot of harassment from the Republic of Korea, including website hijacking and other harassment.
The harassment from the Korean people is actually rampant, both from their home country of Korea and from Koreans living in Japan. This ethnic group must be wiped out.
The groups and major companies that illegally manufacture food from these rotten pork are ZOZO Town companies and warehouse companies, including Senco, Rakuten, GoodManJapan, and Amazon Japan Kashiwa Warehouse, and these warehouses are concentrated in Inzai City.
The illegal waste pork activities are taking place in many warehouses in Ichikawa Shiohama, Chiba Prefecture, and in the Fujipan factory, as well as inside pharmaceutical factories and food factories that use waste rotten pork. These are illegal.
Companies that cannot process food. We have confirmed that they are supplying these illegal foods to major nursing homes and major hospitals.
In terms of areas, they are located around the Amazon warehouses in Inzai City and Kashiwa City, around the Rakuten warehouses, the Inage district, Hanamigawa district, Togane district, around Chiba City, around Sakura City, around Yachiyotai Kita, and many more areas. The reason ZOZO went bankrupt is that they manufactured waste pork in their warehouses,
which caused mold to grow on the products, making them unsellable, and they were returned, leading to bankruptcy. Maori looked into these.
The companies that are supporting this work are a Korean-Japanese dispatch company, Hot Staff, Three Piece (Kinshicho) Hasegawa, and Personal Efficiency's Kume-san, who are involved in waste pork. Funabashi, Kashiwa, and others are actually secretly producing pork.
His wife Maori has also investigated these. Pork is produced around the pachinko factory in Yotsukaido, inside the factory, and at dispatch companies related to them. The Chiba Prefectural Police know about it but are covering it up. Maori has confirmed that pork is being produced over a wide area and that poisonous ingredients are being produced. In Tokyo,
it is inside the stamp factory and around the station. The details are listed on another website, but who will see it and when? Foreigners may see it and be thinking of setting up a waste pork organization in Japan. It is all the responsibility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
It is a cover-up. Chiba Prefecture and the prefectural government know about these acts but are covering them up.
And Grand Co., Ltd. in Tochigi Prefecture is also a pork transporter. Many people related to Togane and Sony are involved.
In Tokyo, the company Tokyo Tsushinki Co., Ltd. in Ikebukuro, or its employees, are pork couriers and have been involved in manufacturing in the past. The company has been on the verge of bankruptcy many times because of its dishonest work. It is a communications equipment company, but the employees are Korean residents of Japan.
Three Piece and Personal are famous for being dispatch companies that do not pay transportation expenses, but even though the dispatched company pays the transportation expenses, Kume and Hasegawa skim the transportation expenses. Even if we estimate lightly, they skim more than 500,000 yen a month.
This is the chain that leads to poverty. Korean dispatch companies in Japan do not pay transportation expenses. They do not pay about 30,000 yen per person, and Grand Co., Ltd. only pays one station. A dispatch company that only pays 500 yen a day is coming to Chiba Prefecture with a big bang.
This Grand Co., Ltd. is also a pork processing company and a courier.
Ι am alone now nothing to do and every day crying just like kid actually I can not a live without Marlhori
Lo que noté es que muchos chilenos de ascendencia japonesa son en realidad coreanos que viven en Japón. Eso es muy desafortunado.
El restaurante Hapon también parece estar dirigido por residentes coreanos en Japón. Aunque parecen japoneses, no son una raza de origen japonés.
Muchos coreanos que viven en Japón tienen el apellido Yamamoto. Yamamoto era un coreano residente en Japón que echó raíces en Chile. Sus raíces están sucias. Por favor tenga cuidado.
Cualquier Yamamoto es peligroso. Fue la familia Yamamoto quien envenenó a mi esposa.
국가 관계자나 재일조선인이 생생할 때가 온다고 생각한다. 그 때는 죽어 달라고 합니다. 아내를 독살한 재일조선인은 모두 이 나라에서 나가거나 죽었으면 좋겠다
This is a contract murder. I was planning to kill Kenji Mizushima, but I poisoned his wife.
Seiichiro Sawada and Tatsuya Ogawa are the direct perpetrators. Why doesn't the National Police Agency investigate?
Ana you have whatsapp I knew your whatsapp please call me si no esta enojada porfavor
whatsapp no necesario usar telefono solamente usar anterior numero de telefono mi e-mail es Kenji<>
No estoy enojado, estoy enojado
Ya no existe un país al que se puedan devolver los restos Malhori.
Es una cosa. Y cuando muera, con mis cenizas
Pedí que lo colocaran en urna de cremación japonesa de fosa comun.
Eso es muy triste. Ese es el ego de tu familia.
Mi esposa y yo compramos una tumba si pudiéramos entrar en ella.
Eso es algo feliz. Marlhori y yo.
Huir es malo. No hay forma de escapar de eso
Porque Dios siempre está mirando. Gracias por su comprensión.
He llorado todos los días desde que falleció mi esposa. llorar, llorar, llorar
Esta es la primera vez en mi vida que sucede algo tan triste.
Dato de familia ANA Nacdul Ramos Martinez
Ramos Martinez Ana Nacdul 8.452.294-5 MUJ Cabildo 6246 Dp 502 El Golf
Ramos Riquelme Sebastian Enrique 20.501.181-1 VAR Pasaje Santa Ines 1429 Villa Santa Ines Chillan Viejo
Riquelme Ramos
Riquelme Terraza Gilberto Manuel 6.385.112-4 VAR Domingo Bondi 963 31 El Golf
ellos cambio lugar para vivir y numero de telephone??? probablimente uso RUT y firma de mi esposMarlhori.
Iligalmente hiso copia de RUT y firma de Marlhori aun que Marlhori estuve en Japon 39 años
despues Marlrhori fallacio.
La muerte de Marlhori me dejó solo, una persona extraordinariamente solitaria,
y mi familia en Chile también había huido. Voy a presentar el nombre
Ana Nacdul Ramos Martinez (ex employee of Banco do Brasl en chile)
Girberto Riqiuleme Manuel de terraza (esposo de Ana PfuZer Chile)
ellos cambio numero de telephono total .no tiene SNS
Estas personas desaparecieron de mi vista.
Tiene una casa en Santiago luego cambio Viña del Mar.
¿Puedo preguntar el motivo?
Dato de Familia
Sebastián Riquelme Ramos's Summary
Sebastián Riquelme Ramos, based in Chile, is currently a Social Media Manager at Red Bull, bringing experience from previous roles at Red Bull,
En Volá, Havas Media Group and MEAT | Agencia Digital: Marketing y Comunicación Digital. Sebastián Riquelme Ramos holds a 2007 - 2012 Periodista @ Universidad del Desarrollo.
With a robust skill set that includes Photoshop, PowerPoint, Premiere, Word, Adobe Audition and more, Sebastián Riquelme Ramos contributes valuable insights to the industry.
Sebastián Riquelme Ramos has 1 email on RocketReach.
Si tus amigos saben el paradero de esta familia
Por favor envíame un correo electrónico. vivir cerca de viña del mar ,valparaiso etc.
Si es miembro de la familia, envíe un correo electrónico a Kenji.
それが私 Kenji と 妻 Marlhori でした。私の一生ももう僅かですが妻の遺骨を守りたいのです。でも私の気持ちを理解してくれない腐った国家には在日朝鮮人の悪事が優先されている。
何と悲しいことでしょうか?これは妻が信じた日本国家に裏切られたのです Marlhoriの死は悲しい事実ですが国家の裏切りも悔しい。これらを私が精神異常者と決めている人達が異常です。
この国家 国土交通省のUR賃貸と総務省は異常者です。気が狂っているのかと思ってしまいます。全てを隠す組織は珍しいと思います。これが日本の行政です。何か南米の独裁政権にも似ている。
1998年チリでPanasonic 系企業のMellfe sara Coに応募したのですが執拗な嫌がらせがありました。2回目の面接まで行きましたが
やはりパナソニック ジャパンが阻止したのでしょう。入社出来ませんでした。その後パナソニックに関係のない無線通信機保守会社、商社に入社したのです。
Marlhoriの叔母様曰く、妻のチリの家族は必要な時に私達が助けたのに私が困っている時には見ないふりをしているのは最低クラスの人間と言っていました。逃げるの はずるい 考えです。
そんな事をする家系ではない筈ですMartinezファミリーに傷が付いたとも言っている。この話は最近の話です。直接電話で叔母様に聞きました。 Tia de ellos dijo por telefono : Porque la gente es mal agradecida saca provecho y de olvida del cariño y respeto
Korean residents in Japan ganged up on him and killed him with poison. Korean residents in Japan should leave this country.
Ana Nacd Ramos Martinez stolen pension of Pension of Martinez Captan de Policia in Chile Ladron
This asset includes Raquel Ana Nacd Ramos Martinez who has been copying Marlhori signatures and stealing assets for decades.
A government that cannot arrest criminals is a weak administration.
Marlhori era una mujer que nunca aceptaría un no por respuesta.
Al final, fue asesinado por coreanos que vivían en Japón.
Es el 27 de mayo de 2024.
Estuve en Japón durante 39 añEstuvo conmigo durante un total de 42 años.
Marlhori さんの死因は? 27th May Passed way .死因は済生会病院の医療ミスです。
Todo lo mencionado en esta pagina son experiencias
vividas en el extranjero y novedades,etc.
Mis experiencias en el Japón y novedades.
in Ancud Chile
My first Pages
Creo que fue una experiencia muy interesante y novedosa para mi,visitar el Peru y otros paises
antes de radicarme en este pais ,que pertenece al Continente Asiatico.
サンチャゴ市内は海抜 600mほどのアンデス山脈の裾野の街 商業都市です。下町(DownTown)と上級クラスの住むまあ、
中産階級の住む街(Las condes)となっている一度住んだら日本へは帰りたくない国の一つでしょう。日本の夏休みにこの市内に1ヶ月ほど住み込む人も存在するのです
日本人にはとても住みやすい街です。四季があって、絶好の季節は日本の冬の時期 11月から翌年の3月の上旬まで、長い夏です。からっとした季節です。
言われます。Marlhori さんはフランス系のアルゼンチン人です。つまりフランス系、ドイツ系、
住みやすい季節です。バスで海岸の街、Vina Del Mar ビーニャデルマルと言う街に行くのも良いと思います。そこで一泊するのも良いかも知れません。夢が膨らむサンチャゴ・チリです。
Note:She was an analyst for the sound of Mizushima products.
And she was shipping the goods. Her sense of hearing is better than the measuring instruments.
And I was making adjustments according to the sound trends she instructed me to.
AMAZON の仕事で彼女は体重を25Kg落としたのです当然細菌に対して抵抗能力がなくあっけなく他界したのです。1月から2月の末までの2ヵ月です。
AMAZON Japan は毒物を扱っているのです。やり放題のAMAZON JAPANは在日朝鮮人の企業です殺人企業です。
El 99% de Marlhori fue envenenado por coreanos que vivían en Japón.
Todas sus pertenencias también fueron robadas por coreanos que viven en Japón.
Aunque se trata de un delito, la policía japonesa está realizando activamente una autopsia judicial.
No lo fue.99% Marlhori は在日朝鮮人に毒殺されたのです。
Deja las cosas claras. no es no si es si
Esta es una mujer que dice Era una mujer muy amigable y alegre. Tenía una personalidad que se mantuvo firme incluso cuando era joven e incluso a medida que crecía.Extiéndete y ayuda a cualquier persona que lo necesite, sin importar de qué raza sea. Cuando la conocí era una mujer muy dispersa. Ese fue el único inconveniente. Después de todo, no había nadie que me enseñara. Esto puede ser inevitable. Debería haber ahorrado dinero para no tener que preocuparme por ello cuando tuviera dinero.
Cuando lo acaparé, me negué. Esto resultó en una pelea.
Si me das mil dólares, lo gastaré todo. Cuando compro comida, me la como toda. Si dejas un poquito, podrás comerlo en momentos de necesidad.
Ella era una mujer que nunca haría tal cosa. Era una mujer buena en todo excepto en el dinero. Ella protegió y apreció a su marido. Durante 42 años he vivido en perfecta armonía con ellos. No me permitieron lavarme los pies ni la cabeza.
Ni siquiera me dejó cortarme las uñas de los pies. He estado planchando mi ropa todos los días desde que nos conocimos. Este debe ser el hábito de Nana.
Por eso apreciaba tanto a Nana.
Hasta donde yo sé, Marlhori es la única mujer amable y siempre alegre.
Era una mujer muy flexible. Ella siempre tiene una sonrisa en su rostro. Siendo ese tipo de mujer, es mi culpa por entregar todo el dinero que tengo. Sentí pena por Marlhori que tenía problemas de dinero. Ese fue el comienzo de mi vida hasta el fondo. Sinceramente me disculpo por causarte tantos problemas. por favor, perdóname,
Creo que una mujer que protege así a su marido es la mujer ideal.
Era una mujer de la que cualquiera podía enamorarse. Sin embargo, el deseo de control es muy fuerte.
Era una mujer.
Gracias por cuidarme siempre como una madre.
Creo que sólo hay una mujer como tú en el mundo.
No creo que vuelva a encontrarme con una mujer como tú.
Marlhori siempre fue una mujer linda. Incluso a medida que envejezco, siempre tengo
Es el mismo. Eso es porque sé cuando nos conocimos.
Estás en la puerta del apartamento con trenzas y uniforme de enfermera y dices Kenji.
Todavía recuerdo cómo se llamaba como si fuera ayer.
Pero estás sólo en el fondo de mi corazón, por favor perdóname.
Te Adoro mucho Marlhori san ,ella es una princes para mi. 💓 🌹 siento mucho no alcansar te ayuda,
小さな頃:一時期 サンチャゴ市内から南へ南下した田舎町に住んでいました。サンベルナルドと言う町です。私達も何度か訪問しました。
パイオニアの仕事も現地社員であってパイオニアからは給与は貰っていませんその頃は40ペソ 1ドルでした。それで給与は1000ドルでした家賃と高熱料金は会社が出してくれました。
その頃 私は 32歳でした。その前にアメリカにい数年おりました。その後ソニーに入り、パイオニアの仕事を得て南米の切符を得たのでした。
私と会ったMarlhori のその後のNanaはどうしたのでしょうか? 私と一緒に住んでから数年の内にバスの事故で亡くなってしまったのですと後から信頼筋から聞きました。
かもしれませんが神様の定めはそうなっていなかったのです。Marlhori は私の伴侶になることを決めたのです。それも死の淵から生き返って生気を戻して再出発したのです。1984年でした。
From when Marlhori was a child until she graduated from college 👧
The Pencion was a privilege that Martinez gave only to Marlhori, but Martinez's daughter and children stole it. They are thieves, Ana Nach-du. Mama Raquel is also a thief.
When Marlhori was near death, she didn't pay his hospital bills. Stepmothers are the same everywhere. Raquel is a shitty stepmother.
When he returned to Chile temporarily, she refused to open a service when he asked for an abal (guarantor). He was also refused a guarantor for the apartment.
Why did she go to Chile? He also refused to attend the funeral of his stepbrother's father.
This is the truth. It is true that Raqel Martinez stole most of Omar Larry Ramos Martinez's assets.
I think it is a lie that Marlhori lost his rights when he married me 40 years ago. I think it was illegal to distribute all the pensions to his descendants.
The Martinez family hides everything. Especially the fact that they conducted human experiments until the age of 20 is unforgivable. Because of that, Marlhori had no resistance to bacteria.
He had related illnesses twice in Japan and at least three times in Chile, which put him in critical condition. I think Raquel's recent death is also related to her human experiments.
This Ana Nacd is a tricky character. A villain. A whore. Raquel always had a mistress, and so did her life. Thief Raquel and Ana Nacd. A shitty woman who has a mistress
I also bought the grave. It is a family grave, but Ana Nacd Ramos Martinez refused to return the remains. She threatened to pay 2000 US dollars in taxes.
My Japanese uncle also paid for my daughter Valeria Riquelme Ramos' high school tuition. In other words, I paid it. Is this how she should be treated?
She even refused to attend the funeral of her husband's father. What's more, this woman has had a lover all her life. Maybe her son is the child of the lover. This is just a guess.
Raquel's human experiments caused the Marlhori bacteria to lose their resistance. What Raquel Martinez did is a crime.
The four surgeries in Chile and more than two serious illnesses in Japan are all the responsibility of Raquel Martinez de Nieve's human experiments. The Martinez family is a criminal family by nature.
even valeria riquelme ramos too.
Sus pensamientos también eran tristes y de repente partió en un viaje eterno. Mi amada esposa Marlhori ha partido en un viaje eterno. Lo único que dejó atrás fue decirle a Mary que iría con Mary.
Esa es sólo una palabra. Probablemente llegó a la casa de María-sama. Por favor descanse en paz. El corazón de Kenji está muy triste y se pregunta cómo vivirá su corta vida de ahora en adelante.
Muchas gracias por cuidar mi vida durante los últimos 40 años. No creo que mi vida sea demasiado larga. Es el núcleo de lo que llevas puesto ahí arriba. Que descanses en paz, Marjorie. Gracias por venir a mí.
Por favor espera un poco más, definitivamente llegaré a tu corazon.
27 de mayo de 2024 Yachiyo Japón